Community Day Services
Community Day Services include purposeful and meaningful activities and are designed to help get skills, teach appropriate behavior and give more independence and personal choice. Programs include daily living skills instruction, community outings, vocational training, employment opportunities and recreation.*

Community Day Services prepare adults 18 years of age or older who have an Intellectual Disability to live and function in integrated social settings. Community Day Services serve adults with Intellectual Disabilities and major functional skill deficits to promote independence in daily living and economic self-sufficiency.
Jennifer’s Story
Enroll in Community Day Services
Community Day Services are offered to adults who have a developmental disability who live in residential settings as well as by themselves or with family.*
The current LLGI Community Day Services are set in the Goodwill Retail store located at 2001 Wabash Ave, Springfield, IL.
The first and most important step you and your family can take to get help is to register with the Prioritization of Urgency of Need for Services (PUNS) database, the waiting list. To register, you must meet with an Independent Service Coordination Agency (ISC) for pre-admission screening to see if you are eligible for services.* The ISC for the LLGI region is CISA (Central Illinois Service Access). PUNS stands for Prioritization of Urgency of Need for Services. It is a statewide database that records information about individuals with Intellectual Disabilities who are potentially in need of services now or within the next five-years. The State uses the data for three main purposes: (1) to select individuals for services as funding becomes available, (2) to develop proposals and materials for the State’s annual budgeting process, and (3) to plan for future needs.*
Community Day Services are open Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. The program is closed most major holidays.
To be enrolled in the program the person must be approved for Community Day Services funding through the Medicaid Waiver Program.
Participants in Community Day Services are referred to Goodwill by CISA (Central Illinois Service Access). Please contact CISA and they will complete an interview process to determine if you meet the entrance criteria for participation in Community Day Services. If it is determined that you qualify, CISA will refer you to Land of Lincoln Goodwill Industries.
Fees are determined by the Department of Human Services Medicaid Waiver Program. They are subject to change. Current rates paid through the Medicaid Waiver Program can be seen at the Illinois Department of Human Services website. Services provided directly or by referral – Community Day Services are provided by referral from CISA.
Supported Employment
Intensive, ongoing supports that enable participants, for whom competitive employment at or above the minimum wage is unlikely absent the provision of supports, and who, because of their disabilities, needs supports, to perform in a regular work setting.* This service may include assisting the participant to locate a job or develop a job on behalf of the participant.
Supported Employment Programs shall prepare adults with Intellectual Disabilities 18 years of age or older who are intellectually disabled to work in competitive work environments with and/or without a job coach.
Days and frequency of services are dependent on the needs of the place of employment (store).
The Supported Employment Program is currently set up at the Goodwill Wabash store located at 2001 Wabash Ave, Springfield, IL. The program will soon be expanded to include other LLGI locations.
To be enrolled in the program, the person must be approved for Supported Employment funding through the Medicaid Waiver Program.
Participants in the Supported Employment Program are referred to Goodwill by CISA (Central Illinois Service Access). Participants in the Community Day Services are referred to Goodwill by CISA (Central Illinois Service Access). Please contact CISA and they will complete an interview process to determine if you meet the entrance criteria for participation in Community Day Services. If it is determined that you qualify, CISA will refer you to Land of Lincoln Goodwill Industries.
Fees are determined by the Department of Human Services Medicaid Waiver Program. They are subject to change. Current rates paid through the Medicaid Waiver Program can be seen at the Illinois Department of Human Services website.
To apply, the first and most important step you and your family can take to get help is to register with the Prioritization of Urgency of Need for Services (PUNS) database, the waiting list. To register, you must meet with an Independent Service Coordination Agency (ISC) for pre-admission screening to see if you are eligible for services.* The ISC for the LLGI region is CISA (Central Illinois Service Access).
PUNS stands for Prioritization of Urgency of Need for Services. It is a statewide database that records information about individuals with Intellectual Disabilities who are potentially in need of services now or within the next five-years. The State uses the data for three main purposes: (1) to select individuals for services as funding becomes available, (2) to develop proposals and materials for the State’s annual budgeting process, and (3) to plan for future needs.*
Title XX
The Title XX Program is a grant for Individuals with a documented intellectual or mental health disability who meet the criteria for either the Community Day Services or Supported Employment Program but are not eligible for funding through the Medicaid Waiver Program. This is a limited grant and there is a set limit of people that are eligible for the grant.
Referrals for the Title XX program may come from a variety of sources including schools, career counselors, social service agencies, etc.
Fees are determined by the total grant amount awarded through the state of Illinois. All fees are paid through the grant.
To apply, contact the Land of Lincoln Goodwill Industries Vice President of Vocational Rehab, Dennis Maberry, for a pre-interview. This pre-interview will be conducted to find out if the individual has the correct documented disability and to also determine if other available funding is available.

For additional information on our Development Training and Community Day Services, please call 217-789-0400.
Developmental Disabilities Day Services –
What is PUNS –
Supported Employment –