Goodwill Youth Services
Goodwill Youth Services is a youth mentoring program to assist youth in high-risk situations to make better life choices. At this critical moment, with high youth unemployment discouraging many teens, young people need positive role models who show them that they can indeed succeed.

The Youth Mentoring Program of Land of Lincoln Goodwill Industries is funded in part by the Illinois Department of Human Services . The program is designed to promote opportunity and positive choices for youth who come from diverse backgrounds.
Mentoring for Positive Results
By engaging youth in positive activities with adults who are strong role models, youth receive the encouragement and support they need to maximize their potential.
Goodwill Youth Services engages adult volunteers who commit to supporting, guiding, and being a role model to a young person for a period of at least one year. By becoming part of the social network of adults and community members who care about youth in the community, the mentor can help youth develop and reach positive academic, career, and personal goals.
Mentors can mentor youth in a one-on-one relationship, or engage in-group mentoring with small groups of young people (five or less). Young mentors may serve as peer mentors who can demonstrate how positive choices result in opportunities and the realization of dreams.
Targeted Youth
The youth targeted for this program range from 12 through 17 years of age and come from diverse backgrounds. They are looking for guidance, support, and a positive way to be a part of the community.

To speak with our Youth Services staff about your youth or to learn more about mentoring opportunities, contact Ikenna Martin, Director of Youth Services or Faraji Martin, Youth Services Manager at 217-789-0400.